2023 Resolutions

I’ll call 2023 the “Give Victoria a Real Shot” year. I’ve been away these last 2 summers and not particularly socializing because of covid. Maybe I will try again. If after this summer it looks like things won’t be much different, maybe it’s time to move away… It’s very hard to move away from family ( love you guys ) but maybe it’s what I have to do. Anyway….

1- Go on at least 10 Meetup.com events.

https://www.meetup.com/ is a site where people post events and anyone can seemingly attend. Nothing really caught my interest yet in 2021-2022 but guess I’ll just force myself. There’s board games!

2- File My Own Corporate taxes

I’ve been dreading doing this one for months but paying accountants and lawyers 4000$ per year to file paperwork detailing the overly convoluted way that the government set up their system so someone like me doesn’t have to pay 60% income tax.

Once you’ve learned how to do it, it’s like one day of work. Literally. You just need to fill out some forms and send it off. 95% of the job is keeping good records and gathering documents, which I did anyway. That little 5% extra is 4000$? Compound that at 7% for 20 years and that’s 172 000$ vanished into thin air to generate precisely jack shit. That’s post inflation. If you started one corporation at 25 and retired at 65, paying “just” 1400$/year for corporate accounting, you’d have deleted 302 000$ in value from your net worth.

3- Fly Somewhere

I signed up for a new credit card 2 years ago that was air travel oriented and… just went on a 6 month road trip instead because of covid. I have like 900 Westjet dollars to blow, let’s go!

4- Health Goals

1- Go to the Doctor…

Haven’t been to a doctor in quite some time. Really want to get some baseline blood tests done and just general checkups. Here’s what I want to test early in the year and then hopefully later on to see if I improved or fixed anything. This might require going to the USA as you can’t order blood tests in BC without the blessings of a doctor and good luck finding some that will order non urgent anything.

Tests for: Testosterone, ferritin, vitamin D, DHEA.

I’ll take what I can get…

2- Turbocharge Supplement Stack

Current Daily:

1- 2000 IU Vitamin D3
2- 0.8g NAC
3- 1300mg EPA / 864mg DHA ( fish oil )
4- 5g creatine
5- 5g Brazil Nuts ( for selenium apparently )

Will add:

6- Acetyl L-Carnitine HCL (ALCAR) Powder

Then potentially add:

3- Recalibrate Nutrition if Needed

Will use MyFitnessPal for a few months at least at the start of the year, to get rid of that Holiday Cheer. Also want to track if I’m eating enough protein… or just way too much. I’m started tracking how much my staple foods cost and here you can see that 60% of this meal I eat daily is protein powder and berries. Do I need to be eating that? If you burn 1500 calories on the bike in a day and have to eat that back, you don’t really need to be munching on protein bars and powders, that’s food meant for bodybuilders when they’re cutting weight…. So why am I spending like 500$ a year on this? Also 1 drink limit per night that I drink. If I buy alcohol I’ll try to make it worthwhile as well, the fuck am I drinking shit beer for?

4- Stretching/ Foam Rolling / Yoga?

2022 was such a high volume year and I haven’t done serious flexibility / massage type things in years at this point. Really starting to tense up. Hey if I join a yoga thing maybe I can even socialize for once ( ew ).
I’ll at least commit to 15 minutes a week of foam rolling and 15 minutes of stretching. It’s not a lot but it’s much better then zero and I really really hate doing these things so hopefully it creates a habit by the end of the year.

5- Age prevention routine?

Guess I’m old, is it time to put cream of some kind on my face? Is that a thing?

6- Fix Teeth

I have a fucked up mouth and face with an underbite. Costs about $8000-9000 to fix and is a 30 month commitment… Was just holding off on it since I moved to the island but I’ll just start on it and adjust if need be.


Start leg day. 2x Deadlift session per week during indoor season at least.
Get back to a more real bodybuilding routine. Less volume, higher weights. 3 times a week.
Increase my LT ( 20min power ) to 360 watts. Did a baseline test early this year and hit 340 watts so I think this is possible for me.
Lose a bit of body fat. Photo of Jan 1s 2023. Not a whole lot to go but still can shave off 2-3%, some from the holidays. Would rather stay leaner overall and build from there rather then bulk/cut constantly, even if it’s slower to build muscle/mass that way.

Tentative workout plan for the winter months. Will do progressive overload; increase training stress score weeks 1-3 then back off week 4, repeat.

6- Work Goals

I’ll commit to 365 hours put in my new video game I started. Doesn’t sound like too much work but these are hard, hard hours. I can spend 20 hours writing crap and editing pictures for this pointless blog, no problem. But drawing stuff for a couple hours a day is just mentally taxing as hell. Why am I doing it? Well I pretty much got super bored not playing video games in 2022.
Creating stuff is my purpose. I make things. It’s unlikely I’ll ever stop so might as well monetize it more. I can think of cool fun shit to spend extra income on.

7- Mini-Goals / To-Do

  • Make one of them photo album things for my 2022 trip. Been meaning to sit down and take the time to go back over my travels, really soak it in. This would be a good way to summarize it and an even better way to annoy my relatives.

  • Write 10 more Magic/Collectible articles. Been spending 2022 gathering a lot of data preparing for this.

  • Maybe get back to dating. Still annoyed about it though.

  • See a therapist? The general massive cost and annoyance of it in Canada make it not seem worth it but I’ve never been so maybe.

  • Still working on secret project from last year. You’ll never know what it is.


The Weird Foods of Newfoundland (2022)


Where do I sell my cards?