Resolutions Progress Update

2 months in, how am I doing so far? Am I procrastinating right now? No, impossible, I’m retired. Or am I? Well… stocks have to catch up with inflation eventually right…. right.

1- Go on at least 10 events.

On hold until spring. Fuck the cold.

2- File My Own Corporate taxes

This was the big one for the first part of the year as they were due in March. As of this writing, about 60 hours went into this, along with 14 phone calls mainly with the Canara Revenue Agency (CRA). As expected it’s a complete shitshow that exposes the malicious incompetence of the government at every turn.

Tax compliance is an added 10-20% expense on top of income/sales taxes. Did you know that? Next time you hear a politician prattle on about social justice, climate or whatever dumb shit they’re trying to buy votes with that election, remember that they waste 20% of your taxes JUST BY COLLECTING THE MONEY.

What are the odds that these idiots could solve ANY PROBLEM EFFICIENTLY?

The tax code alone is over a million words long. These two returns are about half an inch of paper and the only purpose for this entire stack of shit is for me to say how much I made and to multiply that amount by X% and pay that.

It takes 100 pages to explain this one sentence operation apparently. Yes guys they’re going to solve transportation, the climate, housing, racism and healthcare ANY DAY NOW.

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” - H.L. Mencken

Anyway, corp taxes sent, now have to do personnal and fix whatever mistakes I made. I’ll keep a running total of the time I’ve wasted on this. Expecting another 10 hours but then if I do it right, this is maybe 5 hours a year total to keep running, which will save me at least 2000$ in accountants.

3- Fly Somewhere

Not decided yet. France in October perhaps.

4- Health Goals

1- Go to the Doctor…

Went to take care of a small issue and get some baseline bloodwork ( results pending ). There’s a huge healthcare shortage in Victoria right now ( Canada as a whole ) but it was still decently easy to get an appointment… though you get 10 minutes ( lol ) and can only ask about ONE THING. If you go over the 10 minutes you need to reschedule which could be in 2-3+ weeks. The initial appointment was also over a month away from my call.

There’s no more walk-in clinics on the island either. Their previous “system” was that you’d just call as soon as the clinic opens ( 8am) to get a spot that day. Now it’s instantly full every time. There’s just a few places left that let you book weeks/months in advance for one short spot. Otherwise you can sit on your ass refreshing some call/app thing in case a spot opens up that week, or pay Telus Health 80-100$ to just talk to a person on the phone for a prescription ( I think that’s how it works?).
People just go to the urgent care and wait 6+ hours to see a doctor for minor problems now.

In BC you cannot order blood tests or even see a dermatologist without doctor referral, let alone buy medication that you think you need. You can ruin your health by smoking or eating pizza until you’re 500 pounds but by god we won’t let you buy the wrong medication! The concept that a person would just seek out expertise privately is clearly ludicrous, only government-approved sources can make the right choices for us in healthcare.

I only wish they could make all our choices the same way! I had to buy a car last year, imagine how better life would be if you could only buy a car with a prescription from a government-approved mechanic! He could decide with me what my car needs are and help me get the right one! By force! Hurray! No more watching Mazda commercials and being bamboozled into a sub-optimal car purchase! People are too stupid to understand publicity objectively without the state-approved mechanic helping guide them. Do YOU know how to build a car? Didn’t think so. So why do you think you’re qualified to buy just any car you want?

As some day we’ll have the perfect no-choice society where state-approved experts diagnose and fix all our problems for us! It’ll all be free too! And no waiting! And no corruption either! Mazda will never find a way to bribe the state-sponsored mechanics to force their products onto society!


2- Turbocharge Supplement Stack

Current Daily:

1- 2000 IU Vitamin D3
2- 0.8g NAC
3- 1300mg EPA / 864mg DHA ( fish oil )
4- 5g creatine
5- 5g Brazil Nuts ( for selenium apparently )
6- Acetyl L-Carnitine HCL (ALCAR) Powder

Changes noticed: 0.

3- Recalibrate Nutrition if Needed

Really haven’t bothered with this.

4- Stretching/ Foam Rolling / Yoga?

Still mostly not doing it. Booked a “deep tissue massage” for March as a birthday gift though. Will sign up for a class… in the spring…

5- Age prevention routine?

Youtube a basic skin care routine. Beyond just wearing sunscreen 24/7, here’s what I now do as of about a month ago.
Clean face in shower with CeraVe Foaming Face Cleanser. Then once out, put some drops of La Roche-Posay Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum for Face with Vitamin B5. No I don’t know what it does. After a minute or two, add moisturizer. This makes me real shiny for a bit.

Before going to bed, I apply a bit of Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair on the face.

Currently monitoring my face to see if I can achieve that glossy wax statue look these youtube dermatologists all seem to have. Who’s skin are you actually wearing guys? Hm?

6- Fix Teeth

Went back in for an appointment and discovered that this would be 30 months of ugly-ass braces on top of the pretty painful and invasive jaw surgery itself… I previously thought this was Invisalign so at least I wouldn’t look too fucked up for the next 2.5 years but that just put this over the top of what I was ready to commit for, on top of the overall costs of this being about 15 000$. If I was in my 20s then I would have still done it, but at now 38 it’s just too late, I will live out the rest of my Morlock life with my Morlock face.


Did a bit of deadlifting but 2x week is too much ( or I’m a baby you choose ) on top of the 10-12 hours of cycling. I am doing 2x week upper body routine and already have my 20min power to 352. Good progress!

You can see from the photos that I now look totally different and have become a cyborg.
I know what you’re asking: Did that phone just change hands?

Yes. Yes it did.

6- Work Goals

Worked… 1/365 hours so far on the game. But with taxes and my photo book project done, time to get going again.

7- Mini-Goals / To-Do

Wrote 0 mtg articles, haven’t dated anyone, haven’t seen a therapist or booked any ( pending? ) and will shortly resume secret project.

However there is one thing I am proud to be done with:

Finished converting my travel blog into one of those photo albums you can annoy people with! For the curious, I used Their software is very easy to use and the process was quite painless. Cost me 150$ USD shipped to my door in Canada. That’s for 200 pages with the best paper quality, which I think was worth it.


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