Touring Canada Week 6 - StAgathe - Montreal

Another week of hanging out with old friends and chilling, ending with some camping! Weather not cooperating fully. Really good to see everyone!

Quebec is a little more hilly then Ontario. Tons of this landscape of kickers and lakes. It makes for pretty tough riding when everyone’s motivated. The good weather keeps tricking me into thinking Quebec isn’t that bad a place to live. Stayed with my friend Sacha, who I used to ride/race with in Montreal like 10 years ago. Sacha be strong.
Sorry for the lack of pictures, was busy going fast.

just stayed inside blogging, planning and drinking.

Another hammerfest with Sacha, to deserve the beers. Not many pictures but it was nice, trust me. Tons of cottage / lake life around here, just like Ontario. Roads are more gnarly though. No pics : (

Rained out day in Montreal. Just stayed with friends and drank too much.

This was the day to bike with as many old friends as possible. Started in the morning riding with the Club Espresso. Huge turnout, friendly pace. Roads in the city more destroyed then ever… Then went for coffee with a friend and rode around the Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve. It’s now pure chaos as one of the few places you can even ride in the city. Some guys still train/race around that at 45 kph, buzzing by toddlers.
Then rode with Pavel on the South Shore. Very flat area for the most part, ending up in Rougemont, which has lots of apple orchards and wineries.

Started the afternoon with a few of iconic loops on the “pro tour”, one of the two places anyone can even ride in the city anymore. You go up Camillien Houde then the Polytechnique and try to avoid the potholes. Most of this course is now more hole than road. Montreal is a great city to ride in…. compared to other large cities. Kind of how your face is the best place to receive a roundhouse kick…. after your nutsack.
You aren’t supposed to ride in cities. Large cities are hard to live in for cycling because it takes to long to escape them. If you’re in downtown Montreal, you’re a solid 20-30 minute ride away from any sort of non-exploded roads.

After chatting with my friend, I had a bit of time to kill and just did a bit of tourism around the city. Always fun to observe the traffic jam and the people seething with rage stuck in their cars, going nowhere.

The week ended with me driving up to Mauricie to do camping for a few days. I wish the weather had been better because I planned to use the camping trip as a rest period after blasting myself silly. Ended up doing quite a bit of exercise anyway and turns out drinking and breathing campfire smoke isn’t that restful for the body anyway, so maybe it’s all for the best.

If you made it this far, feel free to join my Instagram and/or Strava!


Touring Canada Week 7 - Mauricie to Gaspesie


Touring Canada Week 5