Touring Canada Week 10 - Escape from Newfoundland

Last little bit in Newfoundland, with well over half of the trip done at this point. Another tough week after a bit of relaxing in a hotel in St-John’s ( I deserve ). 16 hour ferry ride back sleeping on a chair and right into a brutal heat wave in Nova Scotia.

I had planned a brutal 170km loop that day and I was way too blasted to be doing that, on top of which I discovered the magical city of Dildo still existing in 2022, proud of its heritage and name, so much so they have a Hollywood sign of it. That’s right Dildo, embrace who you are. Don’t apologize.
At this point in my journey a 90km ride is just a “medium normal ride” that I can even do at an easier pace with no food. My gooch and butt are also starting to get real damn sore and torn up so it limits the time I want to be spending on a bike…

This is it, the end of the first part of the trip: Cape Spear, the easternmost point in Canada. Also wandered around the more touristy parts of St John’s, which was a surprisingly happening city, where about 20% of Newfoundlanders live.

Last real day in Newfoundland here, made it to the northernmost spot in the St John’s area. You really have to want to visit because it’s at the end of a nasty dirt road. Stretched the rest of the ride with a jaunt through a bunch of little cove towns.

Little EZ ride squeezed in before taking the 16 hour ferry ride back to Nova Scotia. Argentia, where the ferry departs, has just nothing else. It’s all industrial and then…. a ferry terminal with food trucks. Just weird how nothing touristy sprung up there, and the views are, again, crazy cool.
Maybe Newfoundland just needs flying cards to be invented before it becomes a bustling metropolis island.

So to get back you can either drive 903km from St John’s back to Port Aux Basques to take the 7 hour ferry, or drive 90minutes to Argentia and take the 16 hour ferry. Kind of all evens out time/money wise, except in one scenario you don’t need to be driving 9 hours.
Warning: The ferry gets booked up long in advance, especially the cabins if you want to not sleep on a chair… Ferry is 350$ and the 2 person cabins are about 200$. Makes a trip to Newfoundland pretty expensive if you want to visit in style. Glad I did it how I did.

Wasn’t sure I’d ride at all that day after sleeping 5-6 hours only freezing on my chair on the ferry and then finding out it was 36 degrees in Nova Scotia. Tried to sleep a bit in the car after getting off the ferry only to wake up drenched in sweat at 11am. Hung out at Tim Hortons until I felt good enough to ride in the evening, when it was cool. I’d seen this lookout when doing the Cabot Trail loop and thought it’d be a nice once for an improvised ride.
Ended up feeling good enough to do the up and down. 70km and 900m is a hell of a lot better then nothing!

Point of this ride was to check out The World’s Biggest Violin as well as to make it as east as possible while on mainland Canada. I sadly didn’t quite make it to the tip on Waddens Cove peninsula as it would have meant an extra 20km dirt road ride. Hell no. Heat wave still going on so by the time I passed by that road it was already over 30 degrees outside and I was out of water.
Was a tough day coming back with a headwind up a slow incline, in that brutal heat.

Halifax was a surprisingly cool town with a touristy harbor area with tons of shops and hot girls walking around. Maybe I’ve been single too long. Or maybe it’s because I got back from Newfoundland… The average BMI there is… not…. low. Peggy’s Cove also seems like a prime tourist destination of the area. It was Sunday so it makes sense that it was swarming with people. Sometimes I forget what day it is so I can’t tell if a spot sucks of if it’s because it’s 2pm on a Tuesday…

Another week down! Next week more Maritimes and maybe whale watching? Soon time for another “life on the road” update as well? Halifax was day 70 of this trip, less than 50 to go! Still not sick of it, but the sponge showers at Tim Hortons are honestly not the funnest part, will be great to get back to Anytime Fitness lands where I can actually take proper showers after rides…. if their damn system works.

If you made it this far, feel free to join my Instagram and/or Strava!


Touring Canada Week 11 - Maritimes and Bay of Fundy


Touring Canada Week 9 - Cabot Trail and Newfoundland