Touring Canada Week 12 - Back to Montreal

Was stuck in Moncton waiting for my bike to get fixed, but at least could ride with the bike shop loaner! Not enjoying the flat windy rides. You just never get a break of any sort, the wind is 75% in your face. Then just one big driving day to zoom back to Montreal to meet friends for a long-scheduled ride! Hard to plan with people but worth it.

When you see a big lake, you plan a route around it. That’s how it works.

Thought I’d be getting my bike back that day so just waited around most of the day, then did this somewhat short ride after waiting out the rain as it was getting late in the day. Ended up not getting the bike back that day so… much sad.

Waited for my bike all day. Didn’t ride. Was just at this terrible Tim Hortons with bad Wi-Fi. NOT MUCH WAS DONE.

Decided to just plan an all-day type thing in case my bike would still not be ready. Originally a 165km ride that I cut short due to a phone call from the shop saying they had my bike. Woo. The wind was also absolutely brutal. The only section of tailwind I got is that big long straight stretch you see there. Just going 45-50kph with no effort there, then other 120km just never-ending crosswinds and headwinds. Ouch.

The delays from fixing the bike meant I had to skip a few planned rides and shorten this one. Had to drive over 7 hours after this…

Back in Montreal trying to jam rides with old friends! This is one of the classic big weekend loops, the entire point of which being to take a short ferry ride. You take what you can get in Montreal…

My chain was skipping hard the entire time on the long boat ride. My cassette and big chainring were completely worn out, which changing the chain for a new one makes much worse because the old chain stretches and adapts to the worm components.

So that meant more bike repairs in Montreal and no big ring longer rides. Just enjoyed a little rest during one more super hot day.

I think sleeping for 2 weeks in the heat really made me more heat resistant because I didn’t notice anything particular while everyone else was dying.

Another week over 20 hours, despite the delays and repairs. Good work me. As always it was awesome to hang out with everyone, though I had “just” seen them last month.
One more week of socializing around Montreal and Ottawa and then just turbo speed back to the Rockies, before snow threatens to ruin my life!
Fuck, thinking about snow in August already… Canada.

If you made it this far, feel free to join my Instagram and/or Strava!


Touring Canada Week 13 - Hanging Out


Life on the Road 2