Various musings and analysis about life and finances in general. You don’t know any of this. Click on these. Thanks.


What’s my Card Worth?

A short article explaining my methodology behind the pricing data I use.


Economic Fallacies I’m Sick of Hearing

It’s election season somewhere and politicians love to repeat this meaningless claptrap that somehow fools millions. You have the internet now, no more excuses!


Should I Buy This Collectible?

A flowchart about whether or not it’s time for you to buy collectibles and what you should consider. Yes this is for huge nerds.


MTG Post-Covid Market

Quick look at the state of the MTG market since covid hit.


The True Cost of Education.

Exploring the sheer magnitude of what we spend on education and raising questions about whether or not it’s worth what we pay.


Where do I sell my cards?

A short introduction / guide to knowing what to do with your card collection if you want to sell.


Investing in Collectibles - Is it dumb?

Investing in collectibles: Is it dumb?